As in many parts of the world, the decline in the diversity, abundance, and distribution of wildlife species is of grave concern to conservation professionals and practitioners in Nigeria. In March 2021, the IUCN released a report on the decline of the African Elephant populations; this development and similar cases have spurred further concerns about the remaining elephant and other mammal populations in Nigeria. This study investigated current perceptions of factors and challenges to biodiversity conservation in Nigeria. Social media surveys and professional and organizational mailing lists were used to sample opinions and collect data about the conservation approach in Nigeria. The respondents constitute scientists, enthusiasts, wildlife managers, government officials, and Non-Governmental Organizations. The findings of the study suggest that 88.7% of respondents perceive high human incursions into protected areas. There was credence to the emergence of poaching, bushmeat market, human-wildlife conflicts, and human and/or wildlife death due to human-wildlife conflicts. This supports the high decline of 77.1% in the populations of carnivores, herbivores, and other large mammals in protected areas nationwide. Respondents reported dissatisfaction with current wildlife conservation efforts in Nigeria. The study highlights the need for more collective and concerted efforts to conserve biodiversity in Nigeria. Effective communication, conservation education, and capacity building can serve as measures to strengthen biodiversity conservation in Nigeria.