World Journal of Environmental Biosciences
World Journal of Environmental Biosciences
2018 Volume 7 Issue 3

Phenology and Reproductive Biology of Common Coot Fulica Atra L in the Hauts Ptateaux, Northeast Algeria

Benlaharche Ryma, Boulakhssaim Mouloud

The current study was focused on the reproductive biology of the Common Coot Fulica atra at Ain Zada dam and lake El Aria, in the semi-arid Hauts-Plateaux. In order to study the phenology of this Rallida and to determine the breeding parameters, regular outings were made during the breeding season (between March to June 2017). Count of adults was carried out at weekly basis starting from March using a telescope Optholyth (20x60). The nests and the eggs were measured to determinate the reproductive parameters using a vernier callipes for the length and the breadth and a spring balance for the weight, and we calculated the results using the Microsoft Excel program 2007. The peak in number during the breeding season was recorded in March at these two sites with 415 individuals at lake El Aria and 349 individuals at Ain Zada dam. About the breeding parameters, 42 nest have been recorded at lake El Aria and 49 nest at Ain Zada dam, they were generally observed in the body of water near a mixed vegetation mainly composed of Phragmites (Phragmites australis). Breeding females lay between 1 and 14 eggs at lake El Aria and between 1 and 12 eggs at Ain Zada dam. The eggs’ size measured was almost similar in the two sites. Our results indicated that reproductive success was significantly influenced by predation and anthropogenic activities.

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