World Journal of Environmental Biosciences
World Journal of Environmental Biosciences
2018 Volume 7 Issue 2

Minero-Biochemical Profiles of Arbia Goats Reared Traditionally Under the Semi-Arid Environment of North–Eastern Algeria During Peri-Parturient Period

Sofia Amel Allaoua, Djahida Mahdi

Mineral and biochemical profiles are good indicators of health status in goats. They can be influenced by various factors, such as environ¬ment, methods of manage¬ment, gender, season, age, breed and physiological periods of reproduction. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the effect of peri-parturient period on certain blood parameters and their interrelationship and correlation, in Arbia goats, reared under the traditional system in semi-arid environment of Algeria. Seventeen clinically healthy Arbia goats aged 1-4 years and weighed 29.09 ± 6.45 kg were chosen from a family farm, located in North-Eastern Algeria. This area has been considered as a semi-arid zone, and its climate has been characterized by hot summer and cold dry winter. Blood samples were collected during the late pregnancy (1Week Pre-Partum=1WPrP) and early lactation (3Week Post-Partum=3WPP). Plasma glucose (Glu), cholesterol (CHO), Urea, creatinine (Creat), triglycerides (TG), total protein (TP), albumin (Alb), Ca, P, Na and K were assayed. At 3WPP, plasma Creat and TG levels decreased significantly (p<0,001; p<0,000 respectively), and TP levels increased (p< 0,05) compared to those measured during 1WPrP.  However, Glu, CHO, Alb, Urea, Ca, P, Na and K plasma levels showed non- significant changes between the two studied periods. Additionally, significant correlations (p< 0.05, p< 0,01) were found between some studied blood parameters during pre and post-partum period. In conclusion, the obtained results would certainly help breeders and clinical veterinarians in order to control health and nutritional status of Arbia goats in semi-arid zones of Algeria during this critical period of reproduction. Moreover, the study indicated that the Arbia goats have been well adapted to their environment.

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