World Journal of Environmental Biosciences
World Journal of Environmental Biosciences
2022 Volume 11 Issue 3

Influence of Jeevamrutha (fermented liquid manure) on Growth and Yield Parameters of Tomato (Solanum LycopersicumL.)

  1. Department of Environmental Science, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Sri Shivarathreeshwara Nagara, Mysuru- 570015 Karnataka, India.

Correct input use not only aids in achieving higher levels of sustainable production but also,serves to enhance the concentration of organic matter in soils. This reduces the bulk density and compaction. Organic liquid formulations such as jeevamrutha assist in the rapid development of soil fertility by increasing the activity of soil microflora and fauna. These act as both a fertilizer and a biopesticide, and they are crucial in fostering plant growth as well as providing immunity. Jeevamrutha is a type of organic liquid formulation, which is made with readily availableingredients like water, jaggery, pulse flour, and farm wastes like cattle dung and urine. When applied to soil, it creates a friendly microorganismenvironment, which supports the availability of essential nutrients for plant growth. Therefore, this experiment aims to provide an alternative to chemical farming by utilizing jeevamrutha. The experiment was conducted to see how varying concentrations of jeevamrutha affected the growth parameters and yield attributes of the tomato plant. Five treatments with different combinations were laid out with three replications in a factorial randomized complete block design. The results obtained from the experiment revealed that jeevamrutha at a 50% concentration significantly influenced crop growth parameters such as plant height, the total number of leaves, leaf area index, root length, and shoot length. Owing to the improvements in yield attributes such as the total number of fruits per plant, weight, length, and diameter of fruits, using jeevamrutha at 100% increased tomato fruit yield significantly.

How to cite this article
Gopal V, Gurusiddappa LH. Influence of Jeevamrutha (fermented liquid manure) on Growth and Yield Parameters of Tomato (Solanum LycopersicumL.). World J Environ Biosci. 2022;11(3):1-7.
Gopal, V., & Gurusiddappa, L. H. (2022). Influence of Jeevamrutha (fermented liquid manure) on Growth and Yield Parameters of Tomato (Solanum LycopersicumL.). World Journal of Environmental Biosciences, 11(3), 1-7.
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