The counting and characterization of the black rat population in 4 stations (2 palm groves and 2 storage sites) located in the region of Touggourt (southern Algeria) were studied by comprehensive trappings, following the use of BTS traps. These allowed the capture of 492 individuals through a trapping effort of 936 trap nights. The palm groves (n = 301) were more infested than the storage sites (n = 191). So for the densities, the latter are more infested (0.49 and 0.97 ind./m2) than the palm groves (0.04 ind./m2). On the other hand, June (16.3 ± 7.3), July (17 ± 7.0), August (18 ± 7.5) and September (18.5 ± 5.8) were characterized by the highest captures. The sex ratio showed a predominance of males in both palm groves (185? / 116?) and storage sites (115? / 76?). The adults (33.5%) and the sub-adults (28.6%) were the most important in the black rat.