World Journal of Environmental Biosciences
World Journal of Environmental Biosciences
2019 Volume 8 Issue 2

Assessment of the Diversity of Lepidoptera and the Importance of Useful and Harmful Species in Palm Groves

Samira Zeghti, Asma Bouras, Yasmina Kherbouche, Makhlouf Sekour

The census of Lepidoptera in palm groves of Algeria was the highest number of Rhopalocera (52.2%) followed by Heterocera (48.8%). The inventory carried out in 5 palm groves stations identified 13 families, which the Lycaenidae are the most captured with 266 individuals (20%). Overall, this type of environment is relatively diverse (Shannon Weaver Index: H' = 3.17 bits), with a tendency towards balance (Equitability Index: E = 0.76). The first palm grove was characterized by the highest richness quantified with 49 species (Average richness: Sm = 9.8 ± 14.9), with a total of 62 species for all stations. Among the latter, Zizeeria knysna (Individual number: IN= 190), Mirificarma interrupta (IN = 143), Pieris rapae (IN = 121) and Cynthia cardui (IN = 113) were the most recorded. The maximum capture was recorded during the months of April (IN = 183) and October (IN = 184) with a temperature approaching 24 °C. Concerning agricultural interest and phenological status, non-harmful species were highly captured (841), which the majority are sedentary (IN = 465). They were represented by non-harmful migratory Rhopalocera (IN = 293) and non-harmful sedentary Heterocera (IN = 275).

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