%0 Journal Article %T Documentation of several drought tolerance Angiosperms associated with walls in Purulia District, West Bengal %A Sujit Kumar Mandal %A Suparna Mondal %J World Journal of Environmental Biosciences %@ 2277-8047 %D 2020 %V 9 %N 2 %P 57-61 %X This study was conducted to analyze the drought tolerance angiosperms associated with walls in Purulia District, West Bengal. A total of 40 vascular plants were recorded. The angiosperms were represented by 38 genera under 25 different families. Only two species were represented by Pteridophytes viz. Dryopteris filix-mas and Pteris vittata. Asteraceae, Amaranthaceae, and Euphorbiaceae were dominant families during the survey period associated with walls in Purulia District. %U https://environmentaljournals.org/article/documentation-of-several-drought-tolerance-angiosperms-associated-with-walls-in-purulia-district-west-bengal